Weekly News Roundup

Stories Compiled from Citizen Journalists to Keep You Informed on Happenings Around the State.

Weekly News Roundup

Do Hospital Profits or 'We The People' Run Ohio's Legislature? Medical Freedom Bill Delayed by Healthcare Industry-Funded Senate Chair – Jon Fleetwood (Substack)

Ohio’s Opportunity for Health Care Price Transparency – Brooklyn Roberts, American Legislative Exchange Council

Ohio House could soon take up single-sex bathroom bill – J.D. Davidson, The Center Square

PODCAST: What Will the Death Data Tell Us? Kathryn Huwig update on Ohio Supreme Court lawsuit vs Ohio Department of Health – Tom Woods Show

Attorney General Dave Yost Files Emergency Motion with Ohio Supreme Court after Judge Blocks Law Protecting Girls Sports from Taking Effect – Kaitlin Housler, The Ohio Star

PODCAST: Marcell Strbich on Ohio’s Election Integrity Bill HB472 – The Windsor Report

VIDEO: Biggest Scandal in Ohio History HB6 The plot thickens! – Joe Miller, Ohio Political News

VIDEO: Talking HB73 The Medical Freedom Bill – Joe Miller, Ohio Political News

Ohio BLM Activist Convicted for Stealing Donated Money to Facebook Page – Kaitlin Housler, The Ohio Star

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