Transgender Day of Visibility Kicks Off with a Bang

STATEWIDE - Recently the Biden Administration declared March 31 officially the Transgender Day of Visibility, a day set aside to observe the perceived discrimination of the transgender community as well as to recognize the achievements of those within that 0.5% of the U.S. population who identify as such.

In Ohio, The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, has filed a lawsuit against the state after the passing of House Bill 68, which effectively limited the amount of genital mutilation surgeries of chemically castrating petrochemicals doctors across the state can dull out. The lawsuit was filed at the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas with the assistance of global law firm Goodwin. The suit will seek to block HB 68 from going into effect.

Goodwin, formally known as Goodwin-Procter, is a U.S. based international law firm with interest in representing pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms specifically and have recently been involved in several cases brokering deals between tech companies dealing in artificial intelligence.

The suit, which was filed on behalf of two minor children and their families, claims that the bill will deny the children needed medical care. Statements from the ACLU argue the use of petro chemicals like Lupron, used to halt puberty and shut down biological sexual hormone function, are “pro-science” despite never mentioning the myriad of deleterious effects of the drug such as malformation of bone, connective tissue and even some cancers.

Journalist Mia Hughes has also famously published what she referred to as the WPATH files, a comprehensive communications chain from leaked memos of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health. Within those documents and leaked private messages, comments from medical professionals within the organization reveal they are aware they are providing life-altering medical interventions to children afflicted with mental illness such as Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder, who could not possibly give informed consent to a lifetime of infertility or other complications. It was additionally noted that many surgeons have pushed the boundaries of medical experimentation on children by performing “nullification” surgeries to create body types not found in nature. The files suggest the medical practitioners participating in the experimentation view opposition to their procedures on grounds of informed consent “gatekeeping” and discussed ways around it. Based on definitions established after World War 2, this would put the operations firmly in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Main proponent of HB 68, Ohio Representative Gary Click issued a statement pushing back against claims in the suit.

“Gender-affirming care is a slogan, not science. Sex changes for children and counseling without parental consent are not the types of civil rights embedded in our constitution,” Click said. “I have complete faith in Ohio Attorney General David Yost’s ability to defend the SAFE Act.”