“Quick! Shut it Down!” - The Truth Comes Out About Human Trafficking In Springfield.

Originally posted on The Heartland Beat
SPRINGFIELD - Since the presidential debate, alternative media outlets from around the country have been shining a light on the blatant corruption within the heartland. While there is still more to be said about the coming push for a “digital border wall,” a more immediate human trafficking concern has been uncovered in the city of Springfield, Ohio, connecting to a massive housing scheme most likely impacting the whole nation.
Unsurprisingly, the city has come under consistent ‘bomb threats’ sent digitally that have conveniently led to habitual closures of government buildings, schools and grocery stores. Those familiar with Wikileaks are familiar with the alphabet agencies ability to create false document trails implicating foreign governments in digital attacks through the Vault 7 arsenal, making any allegation against a foreign government difficult to believe.
Buried beneath the surface level conversation surrounding the vast cultural divide of Haitians and the western world at large, is the reality that there are multiple grifts, grafts and human trafficking schemes all taking advantage of government allowances seemingly designed to facilitate indentured servitude of migrants.

According to journalist Asra Normani, one of the organizations at the heart of this operation is First Diversity Staffing, which is only now receiving “federal scrutiny” despite operating in the same capacity for several years.
“What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call "King George," the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town,” Normani said.
According to Normani, Ten’s organization is acting as a legal coyote operation. Coyotes typically facilitate illegal border crossings for a set fee of around $15,000 or so to a criminal rapist or murderer who guides the illegal through the territory. The issue with this grift is that once the person crosses the border, the fee is paid and that is the end of it.
‘King George’ seemed to recognize that the real cash is in skimming off the top of everything from wages to housing. Once the Haitians arrive here in the states, Ten operates a complex network of transportation, housing and temporary work, paying low wages and he takes a cut from everything. The migrants live in slums he owns and rents out at ‘exorbitant fees’ to either the government through vouchers or direct payments from the Haitians. He charges for their transportations to and from the low paid work placements that Springfield employers hire them for and takes ‘large portions off the top’. According to independent investigations, Ten has apparently been conducting said operations across multiple states without impediment.

“One Haitian man I interviewed asked to be anonymous for fear of retaliation and recalled how he was picked up by a driver for one of Ten's vans on a street corner near a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Immokalee, Florida,” Normani said. “After the long journey to Springfield, he was dropped off at a rundown home on Rice Street, infested with cockroaches. He soon found work through First Diversity at Jefferson Industries Corporation, earning $12.50 an hour; he didn't know how much George skimmed off his wages. The home he lived in had no working heat, and he bought an electric heater to survive the cold Ohio winter, the heater barely heating his room.”
It is entirely possible Ten’s staffing organization is using the Temporary Protective Status Sponsorship loophole as a means to facilitate his endless pool of labor flooding into the country. As has previously been reported by Matt Urbas, the majority of the Haitians in Springfield are not under refugee status, but are most likely here under “sponsorship.” In this method, all an individual, company or entity needs to do is cosign an application for sponsorship to host an individual and they are essentially flown directly to you by the federal government. If they have a child during that time, they are here forever. Investigations by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has found that more than 100,000 forms were filled out by “serial sponsors” essentially facilitating a mass migration from Haiti into the U.S. as part of a serial grift much like “King George” is operating.
However, Ten is just one facet of this, apparently entirely legal operation, that is creating victims of the native Springfielders and the Haitians, all in the pursuit of profits. Ten is very much aware that the crux of a successful immigration con is in housing. This is most likely why everyone from nonprofit organizations to the literal Mayor of Springfield is jumping in.
The Ohio Register has previously reported on the incredibly suspicious nature of Mayor Rob Rue’s property management in the city during a time when housing is at a premium and exploding in cost everyday; from sweetheart deals that landed him ownership of the funeral parlor from which he got his humble beginnings, to extremely kind county appraisals that have him paying basically pennies-on-the-dollar in property tax. It was only a matter of time before it was revealed that he in fact is renting those properties to Haitian migrants.
The Ohio Register had previously reported on how government voucher programs pay fair market value in monthly expenses, meaning that as housing costs increase in an area, so does the amount paid out. As the mayor is in charge of a commission on handling the migrant crisis in his city, including the housing shortage, making profit off said decisions crosses far into the bounds of unethical conduct.

Though it doesn’t stop there. Once the immigrants have arrived at their destination, the massive dumping of federal tax revenue commences through subsidy programs for food, medical care and more and there are no shortage of nonprofit organization ready to take as much as they can carry. One Ohio based organization, National Youth Advocate Program, has received the largest amount in the state for resettlement of Haitians within Springfield and the surrounding area. According to USAspending.org, the organization has received over $100,000,000 in federal grants this year aimed at resettling Haitians in the state of Ohio. Independent investigators have compiled additional data from other databases and assessed the total amount to be nearly $300,000,000 in grants, sponsorships and other subawards. Based on how much they have currently spent, the organization is nowhere near their total expenditures, meaning the continued invasion of the country, and specifically Ohio, is on the books through 2024 regardless of who wins the election unless these organizations are stopped somehow. But why would they be? Everything being done is not only permissible, but encouraged through federal policy all the way down to local city leadership.

Due to the tireless efforts of NYAP, the organization’s president and CEO, Marvena Twigg, netted a massive salary of $1,169,467 in 2022.

If you were wondering what a nonprofit director who takes hundreds of millions in government replacement migration grants does with all of her money, well she does the same thing the Mayor of Springfield does, and she has amassed quite the portfolio.

The Haitian replacement migration scheme seems to profit the facilitators greatly by using the exorbitant government subsidy programs to purchase and manage properties that consistently go up in value the more they flood the market with demand from new migrants, ensuring consistent, repeated profits at the expense of the city inhabitants, and really the country at large. Over the last four years, housing prices have skyrocketed in no large part due to individuals like these buying single family homes with the express design to fill them with government renters, destroying the American dream for entire generations. These operations are not unique to Springfield, or even Ohio. NYAP operates in West Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina, Illinois, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Nevada and they are just one group. There are countless ‘nonprofits’ and ‘staffing agencies’ facilitating the same immigration grift nationwide, undercutting domestic labor, driving unemployment and eviction of nationals. At the same time, the Federal Reserve, at the behest of the Federal Government, has printed more dollars than in any time in U.S. history to facilitate the exploding subsidy programs, leading to record inflation and the inability to purchase basic needs for the American people.
The answer to this from the federal government has not been to shut down the trafficking operations facilitating the squeeze on the American populace, but to offer “tax credits” to “first time homebuyers,” further driving inflation, which we are sure won’t get abused by the same people abusing government subsidies currently.

While the FBI, who would typically be charged with investigating these sorts of schemes is already intimately involved in Springfield at the moment, mostly chasing down leads no doubt constructed from Vault 7, their major concern is not a federally subsidized human trafficking operation. Not when people are tweeting about the odd occurrence of the last two Blackrock connected assassination attempts on Trump. Secession doesn’t sound so silly anymore, does it?