On The Fear of Accountability

Originally posted on The Heartland Beat
SPRINGFIELD - Recently, former failed presidential nominee John Kerry spoke at the World Economic Forum to lament how difficult governing is due to the first amendment. During a panel segment, Kerry decried the difficulty of governing a populace that no longer has to depend on centralized control structures for information and how difficult it is to govern a people that are not beholden to only one message.
“It’s really hard to govern today,” Kerry said. “The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact or isn’t a fact have been eviscerated to a degree and so people go and self-select. It’s really hard to build consensus than at any time in the 50 years I have been doing this. There are a lot of discussions on how to curb those entities in order to guarantee that you are going to have some accountability. But, look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer it out of existence.”
As we move closer to the inevitable ballot dogpile that will be the 2024 selection, governments both local and national are echoing the same sentiment as Mr. Kerry; that being ‘accept our narrative or stop talking at all.’
The surviving residents left in the wastelands of what was North Carolina are learning this lesson the hard way, as the Federal Government is waging a disinformation campaign to try and ignore the thousands dead and missing and the cobwebs and tumbleweeds provided by an insolvent FEMA.

If you didn’t live in the immediate vicinity of the hurricane or are not on the ground seeing it with your own eyes, you would be hard pressed to not believe the carefully curated news cycles telling you FEMA is indeed doing more than offering less than $1,000 per household in aid. However, a week out from the hurricane that has ravaged the state and you will find that the reality is far more disgusting.
FEMA has broken itself financially supporting the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border and has no funds to support any rescue efforts, therefore none have taken place. Private citizens are actively being blocked from flying helicopters or drones over the impacted zones which could be utilized to save lives, most likely so they don’t capture the lack of mobilization efforts. The private citizens who have ignored these orders are risking arrest to save trapped residents from the flood. There are no shipments of federal aid, only private donations which FEMA is attempting to confiscate and claim as their own as they demand people not donate to private churches and only give through them.

If you’re wondering why the state or federal government has not deployed the national guard in effective force it is because they believe shipping many of them to Israel is far more important than using them for their intended purpose to help American citizens and guard the nation. They likewise cannot restore power to large swaths of the state because the parts needed for portable transformers are being utilized in the ongoing lost cause in Ukraine. Indeed, as Kerry stated, governing a people that know they come second to foreign interests or foreigners period is difficult if they find out about it.

This is not just an issue with states hundreds of miles away. Here in Ohio, the town of Springfield has been wrestling with it’s own information battle. After months of attempting to get answers or ‘accountability’ from local leadership and being called racists, residents have taken to social media groups to track and monitor crime going on throughout the city using broadcasts of the police dispatch radio streams. The rise in the popularity of these streams after the town had been put on the international stage for its massive spike in Haitian immigrant related crime, led a decisive action from the Governor to deploy the State Highway Patrol. Not long after their deployment, Springfield Police Department ‘made the decision’ to encrypt their communication channels, effectively blocking the general public from listening to what was happening in their town. According to a potential source with information close to the issue, the encryption channels being used by SPD are AES 256 encryption algorithms which the State helped the SPD put in place.
“Our Comms are trunked but they wont let us use the open channel to communicate so we have to press 9 and wait for the speech request to be answered so we can have a (peer-2-peer) conversation.”
According to the potential source, the process requires several minutes of back and forth in which officers have to signal to dispatch they wish to communicate and then wait for a call back on encrypted radio streams. Any attempt to use open channels results in disciplinary conversations from supervisors.
Of course, the official narrative for why this occurred was to “protect operational integrity” and minimize public interference’, an issue that did not exist in Springfield. What did exist, was an overwhelming national scrutiny on public officials profiting from unfettered Haitian migration into the small town. While the profit motivation may be powerful in the pursuit of destroying the midwest, the only way that can be achieved is if many oaths are bent or broken along the way.
At the beginning of Springfield’s national attention journey, ‘Ohio Police’ issued a statement hoping to communicate the Haitian traffic accident epidemic is a nonissue. This came of course after vehicular incidents leading to fatalities, some of which have still not been prosecuted.
“Furthermore, no reports have been made regarding members of the immigrant community deliberately disrupting traffic,” The statement read.
What the statement should have read is that ‘there are no convictions being made in the numerous and growing traffic violations occurring across the city. In a video that had been circulating throughout Springfield social media groups, a local resident whose house was damaged when a Haitian motorist ran into the side of it, showed using publicly available information, how that same motorist had been pulled over on multiple infractions, from driving on a suspended license, driving without a license, speeding in excess of 70 mph in a 35 mph zone and more. According to the court documents available online, which we have verified and will show below, this driver, while being cited for the incidents, was never criminally convicted. The important factor in these cases is the number of prior convictions listed as “0” in the upper left corner.

The reason for this was revealed in a Blaze TV interview with neighboring Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan.
" If you get two misdemeanors, you are subject to be deported," Duncan said.
Duncan’s biggest concern was the spillover into neighboring Tremont, in which he had conducted traffic stops involving unlicensed Haitian drivers for which he claims Springfield would not be bothered to tow the vehicle had he asked. According to Duncan, Springfield has descended into absolute chaos, he believes, as a result of attempting to protect the Haitian community. Regarding the individual confirmed to have been stopped on multiple occasions, several of the charges are misdemeanors which would have made the individual subject to deportation. In short, the city of Springfield government, from the local leadership down to the judicial system has been in violation of their oaths of office by failing to prosecute criminals that the local leadership is profiting off of through property deals and has been attempting to obfuscate this fact through rhetoric’s in official statements and by cutting off communication of the police force.
According to Duncan, the choice to cut out the public is tied directly to the desire for the city to not have the citizens listen to what the city is doing and eventually hold them accountable to their actions. This desire to not be held accountable can potentially have real world consequences. While it has been noted the ‘bomb threats’ occurring in Springfield are bogus, the inability to listen to neighboring communications means Tremont is unable to respond if/when a real safety issue occurs. Effectively, the leadership in Springfield is putting lives at risk to protect themselves.
——Read the rest Here -----