Is Ohio Being Sprayed?

An Inquiry into Geoengineering in the Heartland


According to meteorologist Scott Sabol, Northeast Ohio just experienced its third cloudiest January in over 70 years; something Sabol attributes to the region never experiencing “…a break between weather systems” during that period. And yet, despite all the cloud cover, only slightly above-average precipitation levels were recorded. Snow accumulation, on the other hand, was well below average. Should these anomalies be attributed to chance, “climate change,” or possibly something as hard to believe as intentional weather modification (geoengineering)?

Over the past few years, the word “chemtrails” has wedged its way into our modern lexicon, often with the stigmatic term “conspiracy theory” attached. Those long, lingering trails behind jet aircraft – the ones that spread out into a soupy, off-white haze – can be viewed regularly. NASA assures us (and our children) that these are simply persistent condensation trails or “contrails.”

Independent scientist Clifford Carnicom has a different view of the almost-daily occurrence of the amorphous cloud cover resulting from whatever it is coming out of the back of these planes. Cloud formation, he says – as opposed to contrail formation – requires a “…minimum level of humidity. From numerous sources, this minimum is on the order of 70% relative humidity.” It is, then, perplexing to find the sky full of horizon-to-horizon trails one day, only to have a clear one the next when the atmospheric conditions were all-but identical between the two days.

Parenthetically, many planes have been videotaped with persistent trails behind them that stop and/or start instantaneously, apparently defying the physics of condensation. Unless these videos have been faked – or unless the planes’ engines are somehow able to be turned on and off mid-flight – this author cannot comprehend how these trails are simply ice crystal vapor.

The idea that our government – or secret, “hidden hands” behind our government – would engage in an ongoing toxic spraying program in plain sight seems utterly ridiculous to so many, and understandably so. However, 17% of respondents to an international survey believed something along these lines was taking place.

Documents, such as those produced by the U.S. Air Force and Lyndon Johnson’s presidential science advisor Gordon J. F. MacDonald and others –  along with weather modification patents and speeches made by intelligence agency heads and prominent academics – paint a dark picture of something actually quite plausible (yet totally insane).

So how does Ohio play into all this?

With the Air Force’s stated objective of “Owning the weather in 2025,” Ohio resident, researcher and journalist Bob Fitrakis (formerly of Columbus Alive), spoke to two scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force base under the condition of anonymity. The scientists, Fitrakis wrote, “informed Alive of the ongoing secret experiments, one involving the creation of an aerial antenna using a barium stearate chemical trail.”

The scientists, said Fitrakis, also referenced Nikola Tesla, a man whose writings on space-based warfare and weather modification possibilities were seized by federal agents. According to Tesla biographer Margaret Cheney, some of Tesla’s writings ended up at Wright-Patterson; a claim supposedly verified by the base’s Aeronautic Systems Division, though they say that the papers were destroyed.

Fitrakis also sat down with former Cleveland Mayor and congressman Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich drafted a rarely referenced bill called the “Space Preservation Act of 2001,” a bill aimed to ban space-based weaponry and weather modification; a bill which, in its original iteration, included the term “chemtrails.”

When asked why he would introduce such a bill when the Air Force routinely calls such things a hoax, Kucinich said, “The truth is there’s an entire program in the Department of Defense ‘Vision for 2020’ that’s developing these weapons.”

William Thomas, author of Chemtrails Confirmed, told Nexus New Times Magazine, “The barium spread in exercises conducted out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base acts as an electrolyte, enhancing conductivity of radar and radio waves.” He added, “Wright-Pat has also long been deeply engaged in HAARP’s electromagnetic warfare program.”

While much of the evidence presented by those who claim geoengineering operations have long-since been deployed is circumstantial, others – like Dane Wigington, have compiled lab tests that show shockingly high levels of heavy metals in water and soil. Correlation or causation? Hard to say.

Furthermore, Carnicom has presented compelling evidence of “cross-domain” organisms found in human blood that he believes are additional fallout from the spraying.

Many supposed agendas have been posited for why such operations would be taking place – weather modification/warfare, over the horizon radar enhancement, and even depopulation among them – but the agenda openly discussed by powerful global entities is that of blocking out the sun’s rays to supposedly combat global warming. Outspoken proponent of such a plan, David Keith, admits that such a large-scale spraying program may produce “…something terrible that we find tomorrow we haven’t looked at.”

If a toxic spraying program is, indeed, underway, this would be far from the first time our government and military has engaged in covert, biologically destructive behavior (the COVID-19 injections are, to many, simply the latest example of this). An operation of this magnitude would certainly need command centers, and it would appear that Ohio is home to one of them. A non-consent notice calling for the end of all current and future geoengineering activities was sent by this author to the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force but no reply was received.

Aside from the occasional whistleblower, the U.S. government, military, National Weather Service, academia, and mainstream media all scoff at claims of ongoing geoengineering programs. And still, the opportunity remains for reaching one’s own conclusion based on the evidence presented. So, is Ohio being sprayed?

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