"How Can People Not See ______?" Very Easily


It’s easier to go with the flow.
It’s easier to be accepted and liked by others.
It’s easier to please others.
It’s easier to be like most people.
It’s easier to accept what people say.
It’s easier not to be suspicious of people.
It’s easier not to question others.
It’s easier not to offend others.
It’s easier not to confront others.
It’s easier to think well of people.
It’s easier to believe in good intentions.
It’s easier not to question people’s motivations.
It’s easier not to think critically.
It’s easier not to think for yourself.
It’s easier not to have doubts.
It’s easier not to examine.
It’s easier not to learn history.
It’s easier not to delve deeper.
It’s easier to caricature and demonize.
It’s easier to move on.
It’s easier to forget.

It’s easier to live in a bubble and be shielded from the lives of others.
It’s easier to avoid difficult situations.
It’s easier not to face ugly truths.
It’s easier not to acknowledge the existence of evil.
It’s easier not to fight evil.
It’s easier not to resist.
It’s easier to be passive.
It’s easier to take the easy way.
It’s easier to relax.
It’s easier to be told what to think.
It’s easier not to have to make decisions.
It’s easier to be told what to do.
It’s easier to obey others.
It’s easier to be a slave.

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