Bombshell Study Shows COVID injections Destroy Immune Response 


A recent peer-reviewed study from Chinese researchers has illustrated how repeat booster injections with compounds similar to the mRNA injections currently on the market can actually impair certain immune functions and could possibly be responsible for a recent uptick in cancer diagnoses. 

The study, which has now gone more viral than the pathogen in question, looked at the specific antibody and immune response in mice to repeat mRNA injections and found incredibly troubling responses. 

In the study, researchers began with administering what they considered the standard course of an RBD vaccine, a similar compound to the mRNA injections on the market that target the “receptor binding domain of the spike protein. These injections were administered into mice and then followed by subsequent doses at set time intervals. While the initial “standard” dose was found to produce some antibody response, repeat injections lead to a significant decrease in immune cells such as CD4 and CD8. 

Within the confines of sports analysis, CD4 T-cells are akin to general linemen, keeping general infections at bay. Their role could be defined as the front-line attack force, signaling the rest of the body to mount effective strategies to ward off novel infections. CD8 T-cells are more akin to the linebacker role. While their main focus is what is “cytotoxic” function, they are necessary at keeping infected cells from propagating by neutralizing them at the source. Because of their key role in taking out damaged or infected cells, CD8 T-cells play an important role in cancer reduction. While the link between the mRNA injections, CD8 suppression and cancer has already been known and discussed by outlets such as the Swiss Policy Research Center, the recent animal study with the RBD vaccine showed further alarming results which should cause further scrutiny of the mRNA injections being administered to humans. 

Not only did repeat injection of the compounds lead to depletion of CD8 and CD4 T-cells, but it also inhibited the production of CD4 T-cells in general and led to a marked decrease in memory B-cells as well. 

“The above information demonstrated that additional RBD booster vaccines might result in a loss of RBD-specific humoral immunity and promote immune tolerance,” The study said. 

Memory B-cells could be understood as the long-term memory of one’s immune system. Their function is, should they be called upon, to store information about how infections are fought and to assist your immune system in combating ailments it has already been trained on in the past. The importance of this finding could call into question the current recommendations by the CDC and FDA to procure booster injections or even initial injections for individuals that already have natural immunity from a previous infection. If the mRNA injections are not only inhibiting production of CD4 and CD8 T-cells and also suppressing existing function on top of destroying one’s humoral immune memory B-cells, then those who continue to get recurrent injections are at increased risk of constant repeat infections. 

Every month it seems there is a new study illustrating how damaging these new cell programming technologies are. Each time someone goes for another shot, are they effectively depleting their immune response to new and old variants alike while creating a perfect storm for their body to allow the virus to take a foothold in their system and mutate with variants absent any resistance? It has been two years since the mass rollout of these injections and the biggest push to consume a medical product in western history. While many experts have been at the forefront of criticizing the mRNA products as dangerous and life threatening, corporations, businesses and regulatory agencies have decreed them to be “safe and effective.” How many more studies must be done illustrating the deleterious effects of these injections before they change their tune? 

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