About TOR

The Ohio Register is an independent publication aiming to bring Citizen Journalism to the heartland. Formally known as The Ohio Roundtable, the goal of TOR is to shine a light on local issues that the mainstream media may be ignoring. We are committed to providing the truth. What is citizen journalism? Citizen journalism is the very definition of independence and empowerment. It's about taking back the reigns of media away from multinational corporations with foreign backers who wish to control what you know and putting that power back in the hands of people like you. Anyone can be a citizen journalist which means, with the proper training that we can provide, you are just one step removed from being the lynchpin for speaking truth to power.

Access no longer a dirty word

Today, even local publications rely on access to write stories. This means they have formed partnerships and relationships with elected officials who can get them access to events to generate content. These relationships form the bedrock of a vested interest in not rocking the boat when it comes to covering council meetings, school boards and more because if they do, they will lose access, and subsequently, content. For better or worse, TOR has abandoned these principles of traditional print media. We cover stories that matter to you and ask the hard questions no one else will and make sure integrity is never left at the door. TOR's primary endeavor is to serve the community, which means you will always be our primary concern, not any group, organization or access agreements.

Striving to be the first, committed to being the best.

TOR is committed to covering issues that matter to you, when you need to know about them. We keep our fingers on the pulse of the current zeitgeist and are constantly vetting stories before we run with them. As such, we may not always be the first on the scene, but when we do break stories, you be feel confident they are verified and trustworthy.

Want to give us a good scoop?

Think there might be a story brewing in your backyard that other's are ignoring? Let us know about it. Email the editor at theohioroundtable@gmail.com.